

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

– Krishnamurti

Criticizing, complaining, and comparing are all signs that the ego is steering our ship. Instead of doing the hard inner work and realizing that our ‘layers have got layers’ (shout out to NF for these simple, yet poetic lyrics), it can be so much easier to think that everyone else is the problem. What is the end game here? When I find myself constantly comparing myself to others, I pause and remember that this is completely useless, especially when our entire society is sick. 

What’s the point of comparing myself to others, when we are all the product of a lifetime of conditioning that has left us malnourished in body, thoughts, and soul?

This is why I chose to enroll into the Anthropedia Foundation’s Well-Being Coach certification program, which I am about half-way through at this point. This program is difficult to succinctly summarize in a few sentences, but what I CAN tell you is that they do a beautiful job of integrating well-being, education, and science (a surprisingly low number of coaching programs check all of these boxes) and I am so grateful that my path led me to finding this program at this point in my life. Research shows that this training program increases character development, resilience, and well-being among its participants (specifically in the areas of self-acceptance, empathy, moral reasoning, and self-transcendence).

Right now, I am examining my personality and who I am from entirely new angles and perspectives. This requires commitment, dedication, and an ever-increasing level of mental agility that is not necessarily appreciated on a large scale due to some of the unconventional methods that Anthropedia uses in their pedagogy. Before I started this program, my self-care and wellness practices felt like I was haphazardly throwing darts and hoping they land on a bullseye. Sometimes the conditions were ripe for change, and other times I fell flat on my face. I couldn’t figure out the missing ingredient(s) - what I am now slowly discovering is that there is a diagnostic model to well-being. The medical community uses a diagnostic model to treat sick people, but very little is said about using a diagnostic model to re-discover well-being.

All you need to do is jump on social media and you’re inundated with countless promises of ‘5 steps to a six-figure coaching business’ or some sort of magic elixir that will fix you in little to no time. 

Here’s the thing - none of us are broken. We don’t need fixing. We are already whole, but may need some guidance and support as we reawaken the automatic intelligence that is our innate birthright. That is why I am becoming a Well-Being Coach, so that I can educate and support others on this path of well-being that will ultimately help my clients see that they are more than capable of transcending the problems that present themselves. We are naturally dispositioned as human beings to be happy, healthy, and whole - although it may be hard to see this with the state of the world right now. 

Once I complete my program and pass my certification exams, I will need to complete several hours of practice coaching using Anthropedia’s coaching model. These sessions can be done either in-person on Maui or remotely, so if you are interested in potentially being one of my practice coachees please reach out to me at - I’m so grateful that you are reading this! 

Aloha Always,




